Intensive Mosaic Workshops in Istanbul 2010, 2012, 2014
The classes created mosaic art in Istanbul, where Europe meets Asia, a city rich with both Byzantine and Roman mosaics. Our studio, located in a historic 16th century building (now a cultural center), was just steps from Hagia Sophia and the Great Palace Mosaic Museum. It’s always one of the best courses: dedicated and enthusiastic participants, wonderful ancient mosaics to visit, yummy food – all in one of the great cities of the world. The next one will be in 2016! (lots of images on this page – allow for slow load time)

Our get-acquainted dinner overlooks the Golden Horn and the Bosphorous

Harvey and Sonia with Lori Whitlow at the 2010 opening dinner

The view in one direction from our dinner party table

And here’s the view in the other direction

A view of the Blue Mosque from the rooftop of our hotel

The 2012 class in our colorful mosaic aprons

In the 16th century courtyard outside our historic studio, next to Hagia Sophia

Part of the 2010class, hard at work

We visited the fabulous Byzantine mosaics at the Kariye Musezi

And the Basilica Cistern

At the Kariye, we studied the ancient mosaics over our heads

When back in the studio, we created mosaic inspired by what we had seen

We also visited the wonderful Roman mosaics at the Great Palace Mosaic Museum

The Great Palace mosaics feature charming scenes with a Opus Circumactum background

Our lovely classmate, Banu, treated us to a boat ride on the Bosphorous

Afterwards we enjoyed dinner on an island in the Bosphorous

Lots of class discussions on mosaic art, this one about andamento and rhythm

Sonia and Meralee with her mosaic project, in progress

In 2010, our class was featured on Istanbul TV (see the video on the Media page)

The course ends with a rooftop dinner party with a 360° view of Istanbul