The OpioColor tile factory in the south of France was host to my special intensive mosaic workshops in 2005 and 2006. (lots of images on this page – allow for slow load time)

The view from our table at the opening night dinner

The get-acquainted dinner was just the beginning

The parking lot at the OpioColor factor is paved in tile

Just a small part of our wide selection of colors

Plus a ‘mountain’ of scrap tile to choose from

The garden work area (complete with French wine)

The flower market in Nice

Mosaic toes

Our studio in 2005

SAMA Executive Director DawnMarie Zimmerman at work

Studying ancient mosaics in Arles

The Arles Museum Director discussing a restoration project

Ready for an evening of good food and friendship

Lori Whitlow, Kathy Watson and Sonia

A last day working on mosaic

Our closing dinner party was at a fabulous restaurant