
Outlier mosaic by Sonia King Mosaic Artist

Outlier mosaic (detail) by Sonia King Mosaic Artist


Outlier mosaic (detail) by Sonia King Mosaic Artist

glass, ceramic, marble, copper, gold, aragonite, coral, citrine, petrified palm wood, magnesite, smalti, pearls, pebbles, terracotta, vanadanite, seashells, bone, pumice, rhyolite, raku pottery

18″ h x 24″w, 2009

Outlier continues my quest to free the elements of mosaic to interact at the most basic level: tessera-to-tessera. I created a handmade, free form substrate to eliminate the arbitrary edge imposed by a frame. The substrate has a raison d’être of its own, establishing an environment for the mosaic elements. And the rust-colored tesserae are presented without visible evidence of adhesion. The pieces rise and fall without apparent support, integrating shapes and textures freely in a dimensional way. I hope the viewers’ experience of the artwork will be direct and focused.